How to Download your PLC Course Certificate?

In this article, we discussed the procedure and common problems of downloading your PLC or SCADA course certificate.

First, you have to enroll in any of our courses, then complete each lesson or topic and mark it as “completed” at the end of each lesson.

Your respective course completion status must be 100% then only you can view/download your certificate

Follow these steps: Click Here

You have to mark all lessons as complete, every topic/instruction as complete, and finally pass the quiz.

Note: YouTube membership is required to obtain the course certificate.

Certificate Download Problems

The below are the most common problems with downloading/viewing your certificate.

Certificate View/Download Not Working

Try to download your completed course certificate using a laptop or desktop. Avoid mobiles if you encounter any issues with downloading your certificate.

If the download button is not worked for you then click the “View Certificate” option.

Just wait a few seconds after clicking on the button.

Search Engine

Make sure you have updated apps/software. (Google, Mozilla, Opera, etc)

Try with different browsers. Say if your certificate is not downloading in Google Chrome then try to use some other browser like Mozilla, Opera, etc.

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